Thursday 25 April 2013

Equipment in tip top condition, here is our secret.....;-)

Some time ago someone came up to me at one of our shows and said, "Excuse me, but why do you have that at a Disco..." of course what he was referring too was the toolbox and can of oil sitting on top of it behind the Disco setup.....does this sound strange? not really, you see to me a Disco Roadshow is just like any other apparatus and needs to be maintained to run to optimal efficiency,  that and should run as smoothly as a well oiled machine, carrying spare bulbs, fuses and a selection of tools is a must for a professional DJ, the last thing you want is a piece of equipment breaking down and you being in a position of having to end the show over something as simple as a fuse....

But back to the oil story, the can he was pointing at was a can of 3 in1, a pretty standard graphite based oil which is very suitable for a variety of uses, especially nuts and bolts, and of course what is a Mobile Disco held together with, yes lots of those, so to drop a drip of oil on the stands and wing nuts at the end of each show is a sensible precaution especially for equipment which maybe kept in vans or garages, the last thing I need is a stand seizing up or a wing nut stuck when I am setting up, ok so it may seem a little strange, but ive found the 3in1 oil which is now made by the WD40 company really excellent for all those silly bits and bobs that hold the whole show together, our overhead gantry contains no fewer then 42 nuts bolts, washers and sections, so dropping a bit of oil on them now and again is a good investment in ourselves.

 This good all purpose oil has been around for donkeys years and has a million uses, however when going to buy a new tin the other day I found that a new tin is exactly what I could not buy!! what I could buy was a new plastic bottle of the stuff, shock horror even the famous 3in1 brand as succumbed to modern plastics in production, so I will miss the lovely little tin that I have been carrying around for years along with my tools and spare bulbs and fuses, but for now I have just refilled our old can, for nostalgia you understand.

UPDATE: I wrote a short email to the WD40 company just to confirm that no longer could I buy the famous little can, they probably thought why all the fuss, but like any loyal user of a product we don't like change, anyway, in their reply they confirmed the small metal cans are no longer being produced, but as a gesture of goodwill they would send me one for my toolbox from old stock, result!! I wrote a very thank filled email back to them and will no doubt receive my original tin can of 3 in 1 in the mail shortly, so if you are at one of our shows and you peek over to see a toolbox and a can of good old 3 in 1 on top now you know why we carry it, very useful stuff, its even bailed me out when one of the mixer faders started making a crackling noise one night, although I would really advise a proper fader cleaner like Servisol for such jobs.

Well as always I look forward to receiving your emails and enquiry's, we are looking forward to this summer as I have lots of exciting new projects on the go.

Atlantic Sound Disco's Bognor Regis Call: 01243 268781 or Mobile: 07979 846933.

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