Sunday 21 April 2013

Important notice to all current clients and future clients, Due to the constantly increasing costs of the company Big Wet Fish we have removed ourselves from their server, this in the most part is due to the constant outages and website shut downs since being under their control, I also found that I had little to no control over the website updates and as I had a huge amount of new media and pictures to publish I have now for the time being moved my website parking to Blogger.

Now many people will question why we are running on Blogger for a small business such at Atlantic Sound Discos, well the logic is obvious to me, Google own and run the biggest search engine network in the world, they own Youtube, Gmail, Picasa you name it they own it, so to me it makes perfect sense to have our website hosted by them on the blogger system, it also means updates, photos and videos will be coming on a lot sooner and faster.

I am not an expert on Blogger or websites in general but will work it out as I go along and improve it to make it a professional website to promote our Mobile Disco Service, we have been providing Disc Jockey services for 20 Years now and have no intention of going anywhere, we are here to stay!!.

If you are planning a Wedding or party in general please call me on 07979 846933 or in the evening your welcome to call 01243 268781, the reason for the second number being evenings is because I am in and out during other times and most people have FREE phone calls to landlines after 6pm (although it can be 7pm with some service providers).

So this is a new opportunity to refresh things and change quite a lot around, meanwhile as always myself and Kevin are ready and waiting to provide top quality Disc Jockey Services to you and your guests.

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