Wednesday 24 April 2013

Here are a couple of old pictures from a few years back...

These where taken in about 2003 at the Anchor pub near Selsey, Craig who was one of the Roadies at the time can be seen setting up some of our old gear, its funny to look back at the setup compared to how it is now....
 We where still using our old twin deck in 2003, which can be seen here, it was the Citronic Avon Mk1

 Good old Craig the Roadie, unfortunately no longer with us....

 I have no idea who these guys where but all I remember was they had a great night...
 Its not often you take that certain picture and it says a thousand words, the above picture is just one of those that you could not plan to take, but then you see you have captured a magic moment....many more to follow..
 I took this picture as we where packing up, I wish I knew who these guys where to credit them on the photo but it was many years ago now, and all I remember was they had a great time, the photo says it all...

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